Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not all who wander are lost

Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R Tolkien’s quote, that he wrote in a poem for his fantasy novel; The Lord of the Rings, has a ring of truth to it. Those who wander are merely exploring the unknown. What could be better than exploring without a plan? If there is no plan or sense of where one wants to go, they cannot be lost. They are simply trying to find themselves and experience what life throws in front of them.

Without a plan one cannot expect anything or predict anything, making wandering more appealing for those who just want to get away from the normal day-to-day happenings of their lives.

Those who wander want to try new things and break the boredom of their lives. As humans, the wanting of going down the less travelled road is appealing, especially to those who either do not know what they want from life or they don’t know what they want to do career wise.

Those who wander are not lost; they are taking a risk to find out what could be and exploring their inner selves. Nothing is better to a person than finding their true selves. Once we know what we want and who we are, we can live our lives with content.

Those who wander are not lost; they are merely trying to find their way home.


  1. I just wrote at you on twitter that my blog is up. To my dissmay it was the wrong blog. I posted next week's one and skipped this weeks one. I never ever watched Lord of the Rings, thats not my scene. Planning is a good way to start in order to reach your destination.

  2. I totally agree with you. All the wanders are trying to find their destination. It’s a risk that they take. The only thing that scares me is what if you never find your destination. Then you will be truly lost. So you should at least have a plan B.
