Thursday, April 23, 2009

How do you step off a 100-foot pole?

What does it really mean to step off a 100-foot pole?

It is about climbing up that pole and having to take a risk in order to achieve what something.

In life, we need to take risks in order to be successful. Not all risks we take will work out, but one day one of them will. If we just stop trying and become afraid to step off that pole, we will never know what could have and what might have been.

If you step off, you could either die, get injured, or land perfectly on your feet. It all depends on how you step off that pole.

Life is full of surprises and sometimes we need to listen to ourselves and just take those risks. We’ll never know unless we try.

Life’s too short to live completely risk free. Life is about taking risks and learning from those that weren’t successful.

If one doesn’t take any risks, they are saying they are happy and content with not knowing their true and full potential.
They are playing it safe, afraid of getting hurt. Risks bring some excitement to our lives. They open us to worlds we might not have known or discovered before.
Sekiso, a Zen Master in Japan said, “The “hundred-foot pole” is in one sense the position of awakening to oneness, of awakening to that view in which there is nothing excluded, nothing outside. It’s the position of no thing, of nothing special. One who sits on top of the 100 foot pole has not quite attained true enlightenment. Make another step forward from the top of the pole and throw one's own body into the 100,000 universes."


  1. This is so true. If you don’t have the guts to try something new, you are just wasting your own potential. Bill Gates was aolso once just your normal run of the mill geek, but look at where he is today. That is what I call having the guts to take a risk!

  2. You will never know until you try and who cares if you fail just try again, it might just be rewarding in the end.
