Thursday, May 7, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Lying in general is a bad thing to do.

When one lies to themselves, they are either trying to hide something or cannot face the truth. Women generally tend to do this more than men, seeing as we are the ones more concerned with our appearances and want to appear as doing okay.

It all depends on what you are lying to yourself about as well. There is no point in beating around the bush. You are the way you are. You cannot help that, so face it and learn to live with it.

We cannot tell ourselves we are okay about something when we are really not. It'll always be there at the back of our minds not matter how much we lie to ourselves about it. We need to stand up to it and own it.

When we lie to ourselves, what is stopping us from lying to other people? Nothing. Lying may make you feel better for a little while, but it is not permanent. The happy feeling will fade and you'll be stuck where you started.

The best solution is to always be honest with yourself, because only then can you be truly honest with others.
If you are not happy about something, let it out. Do not lie about it. If you lie, it cannot be changed, if you tell the truth something can be done about it.


  1. Or one who lies to themselves are in big time denial. True fact about women We need to draw the line between a big fat lie and a white lie.

  2. I agree that women lie to themselves more than men. We have to maintain the image of perfection after all! We just have to learn to face the truth.
