Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not all who wander are lost

Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R Tolkien’s quote, that he wrote in a poem for his fantasy novel; The Lord of the Rings, has a ring of truth to it. Those who wander are merely exploring the unknown. What could be better than exploring without a plan? If there is no plan or sense of where one wants to go, they cannot be lost. They are simply trying to find themselves and experience what life throws in front of them.

Without a plan one cannot expect anything or predict anything, making wandering more appealing for those who just want to get away from the normal day-to-day happenings of their lives.

Those who wander want to try new things and break the boredom of their lives. As humans, the wanting of going down the less travelled road is appealing, especially to those who either do not know what they want from life or they don’t know what they want to do career wise.

Those who wander are not lost; they are taking a risk to find out what could be and exploring their inner selves. Nothing is better to a person than finding their true selves. Once we know what we want and who we are, we can live our lives with content.

Those who wander are not lost; they are merely trying to find their way home.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How do you step off a 100-foot pole?

What does it really mean to step off a 100-foot pole?

It is about climbing up that pole and having to take a risk in order to achieve what something.

In life, we need to take risks in order to be successful. Not all risks we take will work out, but one day one of them will. If we just stop trying and become afraid to step off that pole, we will never know what could have and what might have been.

If you step off, you could either die, get injured, or land perfectly on your feet. It all depends on how you step off that pole.

Life is full of surprises and sometimes we need to listen to ourselves and just take those risks. We’ll never know unless we try.

Life’s too short to live completely risk free. Life is about taking risks and learning from those that weren’t successful.

If one doesn’t take any risks, they are saying they are happy and content with not knowing their true and full potential.
They are playing it safe, afraid of getting hurt. Risks bring some excitement to our lives. They open us to worlds we might not have known or discovered before.
Sekiso, a Zen Master in Japan said, “The “hundred-foot pole” is in one sense the position of awakening to oneness, of awakening to that view in which there is nothing excluded, nothing outside. It’s the position of no thing, of nothing special. One who sits on top of the 100 foot pole has not quite attained true enlightenment. Make another step forward from the top of the pole and throw one's own body into the 100,000 universes."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We are what we do

As humans we naturally judge people. But to fully judge someone, we look at his or her actions.

People base their perceptions of someone by looking at what they do. Actions can tell a lot about a person.If one is angry, their actions show how they are feeling. For someone who is a stranger to the angry person, they would base their perception, of that person, on those actions performed in that very moment and assume that person is a very grumpy, high-stung person.

A lot of people can talk-the-talk but cannot put what they say into action. The phrases "Empty vessels make the loudest noise" and "Actions speak louder than words" rings true to this case. If someone is known to be an "all talk no action" type of person, people will not take what this person says seriously.
A good example would be these political parties we vote for every election. They promise us the world is we vote for them, but they never follow through on their promises. With the next election around the corner, the general public will take that phrase "Actions speak louder than words" to heart and base their votes on the issues the various parties wish to address and whether they can actually deliver on these.Politicians tend to be the biggest smoothest talkers of us all.To be whole in this life, one needs to use their actions for good.

People recognise actions more than words. There is no point only looking good on paper. You need to perform to really prove yourself in this world.

We are afraid of the wrong things...

As human beings, we are naturally afraid of things we can not predict or prevent.

We are afraid to try and experience new things, meanwhile we should embrace these opportunities.

As women, we are afraid to leave the house without make-up on, meanwhile people won't even know the difference.

We are so afraid to show our true selves that we cover it up with make-up instead.

We should not be afraid of the little bugs that grace our presence, instead we should be afraid of a stranger that appears out of nowhere wanting to cause harm.

We fear getting hurt, whether it be emotionally or physically. This often leads to us holding back are fun and exciting new experiences.

We are afraid of being alone and want to be in a crowd, but then we want to be seen as individuals.

We are afraid of losing someone or something that means a lot to us, when instead we should be grateful for the time we have with them/it.

When we were younger we were fearless and weren't afraid of anything. We would do anything. Why now that we are older, do we fear the things we once didn't. The wrong things that we are afraid of are so insignificant to those that we should really be afraid of. As humans, we consume ourselves in our own little worlds.We shouldn't be afraid to do things that will put excitement into our lives, we should grasp every chance we get. It is what makes life worth living when one faces their fears and lives life to the full.

The colour of the wind

What colour is the wind?

The South-Easter is a powerful wind. It is a red wind. It is a red because it is very angry. It blows strong gusts affecting anything in its path. Red is also the colour of passion. If one were to describe their passion for a loved one a type of wind, they would describe this passion as blowing as strong as the South-Easter. It could also be seen as a green wind. It blows away the pollution hanging over Cape Town. It could even cleanse ones sole.It could also be cloud-white. White is the colour of the clouds that make themselves present on the top of Table Mountain, creating a tablecloth. Racing towards the city, but never getting there. It is the colour of marvel and mystery.

The sea breeze is a calm and refreshing wind. It is an icy-blue. It refreshes ones thoughts and clears ones head. It calms and soothes anyone that walks into its waves of coolness. It is cold enough to take ones breath away with a swift movement.

The berg wind is warm and sticky. Creates a sense of warmth and comfort. It is the colour of orange. Orange like a beautiful sunset on a perfect summer’s day.

A hurricane is an unbearable wind. It destroys anything in its path. It is a deep-purple wind. It is dark and dreary, causing havoc and heartbreak everywhere it goes. It is more than just an angry wind. It is a destructive wind.

Colours, like the wind, can be felt. Not the colours themselves, but the emotions they bring out in one. Wind to has the power to affect ones mood. Therefore winds do have colours…..

If I were the boss...

If I were the boss...

I would ensure that everyone is treated fairly, regardless of race or gender.
Showing initiative would be rewarded.
Everyone would have an equal fighting chance to better their positions in the company.
I would not tolerate tardiness in terms of people arriving late for work, if they are late they have to provide a good excuse as to why.
I would not tolerate laziness. There are plenty of people out there wanting that very job.
I would encourage creativity in all employees.
Before making decisions that would affect the individuals in the organisation, I would discuss issues with them first and here their view points on those issues.
There would be very limited smoke breaks. Going to the restroom would not count as a smoke break. It wastes valuable time that could have been spent more productively.
I would encourage all employees to get to know each other, therefore creating a family environment.
I would organise for each employee to go on various courses to further their knowledge in their field and to learn what is new out there in the respective fields.
Every year there would be 2 "family" days where we would all get together at a venue for a fun-filled family day.
I would get to know each employee by name and find out more about them. I would show an interest in them and their lives.
I would fire employees that have been unproductive for a number of months due to laziness.
Each employee would receive a little gift from the company on their birthdays.
My door would always be open to anyone who has any problems or queries.
Putting in the extra effort and always going the extra mile would be acknowledged and would be rewarded.

Designer PR

We are living in very exciting times. People are having to come up with very creative ideas and plans in order to survive.We,as PR practitioners,are naturally creative so we can use this to our advantage and can offer the organisations we work for a variety of creative ideas.As PR students,we are constantly encourage to let our creative juices flow.PR is about the freedom of being able to express one's self,be it in writing or communication,and the industry,as it is today, encourages and prefers that we do this.In these times,we are given a lot more freedom,and PR thrives on freedom.As PR practitioners,we are able to adapt easily to the ever-changing world,and use to better ourselves and/or our organisation.To stand out in this world,you have to give it your all and always put our best foot forward in what ever we do.All the examples you have stated in this blog (facebook, myspace etc) has helped us,as PR practitions, become closer with our target audience/clients.The world has become a much smaller place thanks to the increasing number of different technologies there is out there on offer. It's all about taking what is available to you and using it to your advantage.

5 Topics

5 Topics
1) Zuma as president, good or bad?
2) Zimbabwean refugees
3) Can PR be an art? - Would like to blog about
4) Disadvange of having technology
5) The constant fighting between the taxi companies and bus companies