Friday, September 11, 2009

Torn between two

How does one chose between two things that are equally as good?!

Yes one might have more con's than the other, but that one gives me butterflies...
It is really hard chosing based on pro's and con's. In the end, those con's could be rectified, could they not?

Life is full of choices. It's not knowing what the right choice is that scares us. We forever wonder if we are making the correct decision or not. But then again, life to is all about taking chances and learning.
But when one has been hurt so much they tend to be hesitant when it comes to breaking lose and just going with it.

They both promising the world. They both live far. They are both decent and sweet, but the one has got me constantly smiling. But what if that one turns out to be a toad like the rest of them. Then what? Do I take my chances or not? I guess both could turn into toads.
The one is trying to push me into a relationship, which has already got me backed up against the wall. Am I ready for a commitment so soon?

Now I'm left with wondering what to do....Why can't life just be easy just for once!?!

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