Friday, August 21, 2009

“Bunch of Animals” is one comment on the CPUT strike on campus. What is yours?

Striking is not the issue here. The issue here is that certain individuals think it is OK to go around stealing, trashing and damaging property that is not their own. This, in my opinion, shows that they have no respect for the institution or their fellow students. As the SRC they are suppose to be representing all the students, not just a select few.

Time and time again they always see the need to resort to such measures. Why not inform the rest students on campus about the issue and then we can all stand together instead of it turning violent. A thousand students "downing tools" is more effective than a couple of hundred students wrecking the place.

There are many other ways to express anger. Putting lecturers and students at risk is not the way to solve things! If they want to behave like animals, they must go back to the bush.
People living in urban areas are supposed to be civilised.

The average person on the street loses respect for those individuals who behave in this manor. We would respect those who take a stand without resorting to violence.

But I do understand that sometimes talking about the issue is just not enough. If top management actually spoke about the issue (and informed students before deciding) and took them seriously then maybe these sorts of incidents wouldn't happen.

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